Viva Las Vegas – New Sponsors
December 5, 2009 by Rockabilly Guy
Filed under All Articles, Burlesque, Events, Music & Bands, Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend

Viva Las Vegas
Viva Las Vegas the renown Rockabilly Weekend in Las Vegas, is now a sponsor of this site. After sealing a deal with Tom the promoter of the weekend in Vegas, we placed his banner on the top of the page, and are happy to say that Viva Las Vegas is a happy sponsor of Rockabilly Lifestyle.
We also have an interview coming up with Tom on the origins and history of Viva Las Vegas. Anyone who is new to the scene and doesn’t know what Viva Las Vegas is, it’s a huge freaking party in Vegas, with the town being taken over by thousands of people in the rockabilly scene. The dates for Viva Las Vegas is April 1st-4th, in 2010. You can get more information and see the lines ups of bands and shows here at Viva Las Vegas.
Enjoy and hope to see ya there!!!